Links to learn more about healthy hearing and the prevention of NIHL


American Academy of Audiology - 

The American Academy of Audiology is the world's largest professional organization of, by, and for audiologists. They are dedicated to providing quality hearing care services through professional development, education, research, and increased public awareness of hearing and balance disorders.

Dangerous Decibels

The Dangerous Decibels project is a public health campaign designed to reduce the incidence and prevalence of Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) and tinnitus (ringing in the ear) by changing knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of school-aged children.

EarPeace Hearing Protection -

EarPeace is the leading brand of hearing protection for live music and entertainment.  This company makes and distributes ear plugs for use by: fans at concerts, live events, DJs, musicians, and anyone else that feels their favorite live entertainment is too loud. 

Turn It to the Left Campaign -

Rapper Ben Jackson, in association with the American Academy of Audiology and its Foundation, developed a rap called "Turn It to the Left" to remind kids that they can dramatically reduce their risk of hearing loss by turning the volume down on iPods and other personal music devices.

University of Miami Ear Institute at the Department of Otolaryngology -

The University of Miami Miller School of Medicine is one of the nation’s leading centers for the treatment of diseases of the ears, nose, throat and neck. The Ear Institute is housed within the Department of Otolaryngology, an international center designed to provide compassionate patient care along with finest state of the art treatment for individuals with ear, nose, throat and related disorders.

World Health Organization (WHO) -

The World Health Organization (WHO) is the directing and coordinating authority on international health within the United Nations' system.